Company Profile

Founded in 1862, Poste Italiane S.p.A. is the largest distribution network in Italy, offering logistics, financial, insurance, payment and energy services with an integrated omnichannel approach. It is the country’s largest digital platform with 97 million financial apps downloaded and around 3.3 billion yearly digital interactions.
Listed on the Milan Stock Exchange since 2015, currently at approximately EUR 16.4 billion market cap., Poste Italiane S.p.A. is controlled by the Italian Government (through the Ministry of Economy and Finance – MEF) and CDP (the Italian National Promotional Institution) with c. 64% of voting rights.

Source: Cofisem - Last Update: 2024-09-13

Key Executives
Chief Executive Officer Matteo Del Fante
General Manager Lasco Giuseppe
Chief Financial Officer Camilo Greco
Head of Investor Relations Giuseppe Esposito
Technology and Operations Director Mirko Mischiatti
Chief Communication Officer Massimo Rosini

Source: Cofisem - Last Update: 2024-09-13

Key Figures
Millenium 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
Net sales 12,128 11,386 11,220 10,526 10,959
Income from ordinary activities 12,128 11,386 11,220 10,526 10,959
Operating income 2,620 2,396 1,846 1,524 1,774
Cost of financial indebtedness net -58 -82 -90 -66 -54
Equity-accounted companies contribution to income 20 -6 26 5 112
Net profit from discontinued activities
Net income 1,933 1,583 1,580 1,206 1,342
Net income (Group share) 1,922 1,578 1,578 1,207 1,342
Fiscal year end 2023-12-31 2022-12-31 2021-12-31 2020-12-31 2019-12-31
Length of fiscal year (month) 12 12 12 12 12
Currency & Unit EUR - millions EUR - millions EUR - millions EUR - millions EUR - millions

Source: Cofisem - Last Update: 2024-09-13

Shareholder information
Individual shareholders 12.05 %
Group-owned stock 0.82 %
Other investors 22.87 %
Cassa Depositi e Prestiti S.p.A. 35 %
Ministry of the Economy and Finance 29.26 %

Source: Cofisem - Last Update: 2024-09-13

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Quotazioni, Book, Dividendi, Documenti Societari, Corporate Governance, Internal Dealing di Poste Italiane

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