Stock Exchange Indices

Name Last % Time Low High Opening Closing
FTSE Italia All-Share 39,301.32 -0.19 02/07/25 - 17.40.00 39,220.83 39,438.93 39,386.90 39,377.84
FTSE All-Share Capped 42,952.47 -0.21 02/07/25 - 17.40.00 42,870.87 43,119.17 43,059.54 43,040.74
37,055.70    -0.18    02/07/25 - 17.40.00
37,055.70 -0.18 02/07/25 - 17.40.00 36,971.12 37,181.94 37,123.31 37,121.77
FTSE Italia Mid Cap 49,716.33 -0.37 02/07/25 - 17.40.00 49,676.27 50,026.08 50,026.08 49,902.75
FTSE Italia Small Cap 28,546.52 -0.42 02/07/25 - 17.40.00 28,529.45 28,730.36 28,712.32 28,666.70
FTSE Italia STAR 47,078.59 -0.73 02/07/25 - 17.40.00 47,067.43 47,468.11 47,433.64 47,424.84
FTSE Italia Brands 20,620.49 -1.16 02/07/25 - 17.40.00 20,580.27 20,902.46 20,843.15 20,863.32
FTSE Italia Growth 7,800.74 +0.09 02/07/25 - 17.40.00 7,761.84 7,818.42 7,796.58 7,793.98

ESG Indexes
Name Last % Time Low High Opening Closing
1,615.34    -0.14    02/07/25 - 17.35.45
MIB ESG Green Bond icon
1,615.34 -0.14 02/07/25 - 17.35.45 1,611.80 1,620.95 1,615.87 1,617.65
15 minutes delayed data

PIR Indexes
Name Last % Time Low High Opening Closing
FTSE Italia PIR PMI All Index 26,612.70 -0.34 02/07/25 - 17.40.00 26,592.89 26,777.70 26,772.86 26,702.51
FTSE Italia PIR Mid Small Cap Index 27,776.47 -0.36 02/07/25 - 17.40.00 27,756.38 27,957.63 27,952.33 27,875.96

Historical Indices
Name Last % Date
FTSE Italia MIB Storico 32,165.77 +0.30 02/07/25

Dividend Indices
Name Last % Date
FTSE Italia MIB Dividend 130.78 +0.00 02/10/25

Volatility Indices
Name Last % Date
FTSE MIB IVI 30 Days 17.28 +2.59 02/07/25
FTSE MIB IVI 60 Days 16.28 +2.66 02/07/25
FTSE MIB IVI 90 Days 17.46 +2.93 02/07/25
FTSE MIB IVI 180 Days 17.20 +1.83 02/07/25

Stock Exchange Indices

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