Company Profile

Nexi S.p.A is the European PayTech, present in attractive, high-growth European markets and technologically advanced countries. The company has the scale, geographical reach and capabilities to drive the transition to a cashless Europe. Nexi S.p.A. operates in three market segments: MerchantSolutions, Issuing Solutions and Digital Banking Solutions. The company constantly invests in technology and innovation, focusing on two fundamental principles: to respond, together with its partner banks, to its customers' needs and to create new business opportunities for them. This is how Nexi S.p.A. promotes progress for the benefit of all: by simplifying payments and enabling people and companies to forge closer relationships and grow together.

Source: Cofisem - Last Update: 2024-07-23

Key Executives
Chief Executive Officer Paolo Bertoluzzo
Head of Investor Relations Stefania Mantegazza
Strategy Director Bernardo Mingrone
Chief Financial Officer Bernardo Mingrone
Chief Human Resources Officer Gianluca Ventura

Source: Cofisem - Last Update: 2024-07-23

Key Figures
Millenium 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
Net banking income 3,172,546 3,002,740 1,518,047 926,981 813,711
General operating costs 3,999,125 2,792,617 1,070,292 534,975 616,793
Gross Operating Income -826,579 210,123 68,703 216,691 41,101
Cost of risk -48,616 7,556 -26,851 -6,723 216
Operating profit -875,195 217,679 41,852 209,968 41,317
Equity-accounted companies contribution to income -14,391 3,281 1,441 -212 -598
Current profit before tax -889,586 220,960 43,293 209,756 40,719
Net income -1,002,761 141,906 39,221 129,308 136,086
Net income (Group share) -1,005,989 138,995 37,729 127,926 135,166
Fiscal year end 2023-12-31 2022-12-31 2021-12-31 2020-12-31 2019-12-31
Length of fiscal year (month) 12 12 12 12 12
Currency & Unit EUR - thousands EUR - thousands EUR - thousands EUR - thousands EUR - thousands

Source: Cofisem - Last Update: 2024-07-23

Shareholder information
AB Europe Investment S.à.r.l 2.05 %
Cassa Depositi e Prestiti S.p.A. 13.83 %
Eagle 6.2 %
Evergood H&F Lux S.à.r.l 20.3 %
Free float 42.51 %
Mercury Uk Holdco 9.45 %
Neptune BC 2.05 %
Poste Italiane SpA 3.61 %

Source: Cofisem - Last Update: 2024-07-23

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