Company Profile

H-Farm S.p.A. is an investment company that specializes in acquisition of stakes in companies operating in the education, information technology, digital marketing, media and computer sectors.

Source: Cofisem - Last Update: 2024-07-23

Key Executives
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Riccardo Donadon
Head of Investor Relations Luca Valerio

Source: Cofisem - Last Update: 2024-07-23

Key Figures
Millenium 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
Investments revenues 39,644 41,255,898 59,088,806 48,300,879 44,064,555
Payroll 16,979 18,721,793 29,549,222 26,114,441 18,598,007
Operating income -8,836 -8,885,147 -10,485,814 -10,445,697 -5,171,504
Capital gain from disposals
Income tax -53 920,213 205,696 118,978 112,895
Net income -8,889 17,740,233 -5,646,778 -14,754,083 -6,508,028
Net income (Group share) -8,891 17,738,346 -5,649,463 -14,753,386 -6,508,028
Fiscal year end 2023-08-31 2022-08-31 2021-12-31 2020-12-31 2019-12-31
Length of fiscal year (month) 12 8 12 12 12
Currency & Unit EUR - thousands EUR - unit EUR - unit EUR - unit EUR - millions
Account Standards Local GAAP Local GAAP Local GAAP Local GAAP Local GAAP

Source: Cofisem - Last Update: 2024-07-23

Shareholder information
Riccardo Donadon 15.85 %
Giuseppe Miroglio 9.11 %
Other shareholders 4.06 %
Free float 57.61 %
Servizi CGN Srl 13.37 %

Source: Cofisem - Last Update: 2024-07-23

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Quotazioni, Book, Dividendi, Documenti Societari, Corporate Governance, Internal Dealing di H-Farm

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