Documents filed

Documents filed with Borsa Italiana available in pdf format
2023  Consolidated Financial Statements 31.12.2022  - ( file pdf - 8 mb) 22/03/2023
2023  Notice of call for Shareholders Meeting April 6,2023  - ( file pdf - 386 kb) 22/03/2023
2022  Explanatory Report of the BoD on Agenda of the Ordinary Shareholders' meeting on 29.04.2022  - ( file pdf - 254 kb) 14/04/2022
2022  Notice of Call for Ordinary Shareholders' Meetings 29.04.2022  - ( file pdf - 158 kb) 14/04/2022
2022  FY 2021 Result Presentation  - ( file pdf - 2 mb) 04/04/2022

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