Documents filed

Documents filed with Borsa Italiana available in pdf format
2024  Tesmec S.p.A. - Half-year Consolidated Financial Report as at 30 June 2024  - ( file pdf - 1 mb) 13/08/2024
2024  Tesmec S.p.A. - Interim Consolidated Financial Report at March 31, 2024  - ( file pdf - 913 kb) 14/05/2024
2024  Tesmec -S.p.A Request for registration in the list in order to increase the voting right  - ( file pdf - 76 kb) 10/05/2024
2024  Tesmec S.pA - REGULATIONS FOR THE INCREASED VOTING OF TESMEC S.P.A. ORDINARY SHARES  - ( file pdf - 139 kb) 10/05/2024
2024  Tesmec S.p.A. - Results of the Shareholders' Meeting held on 18 April 2024  - ( file pdf - 238 kb) 18/04/2024
2024  Tesmec S.p.A. - Annual Financial Report 2023 - Courtesy copy  - ( file pdf - 8 mb) 17/04/2024
2024  Tesmec S.p.A.- Report of the BoD on the agenda items for the extraordinary session of the Shareholders' meeting on April 18th, 2024  - ( file pdf - 162 kb) 28/03/2024
2024  Tesmec S.p.A.- Report of the BoD on the agenda items for the extraordinary session of the Shareholders' meeting on April 18th, 2024  - ( file pdf - 159 kb) 15/03/2024
2024  Tesmec S.p.A.- Directors' report on the draft resolutions submitted to the Shareholders Meeting April 18th, 2024  - ( file pdf - 134 kb) 15/03/2024
2023  Tesmec S.p.A. - Interim Financial Report as at 30 September 2023 is available  - ( file pdf - 1 mb) 14/11/2023
2023  Tesmec S.p.A. - Half-year Consolidated Financial Report as at 30 June 2023  - ( file pdf - 1 mb) 11/08/2023
2023  Tesmec S.p.A. - Interim Report at March 31, 2023  - ( file pdf - 1 mb) 15/05/2023
2023  Tesmec S.p.A. - Annual Financial Report 2022 - Courtesy copy  - ( file pdf - 7 mb) 19/04/2023
2023  Tesmec S.p.A. - Report on Corporate Governance and Ownership Structure  - ( file pdf - 895 kb) 30/03/2023
2023  Tesmec S.p.A. - Report on Remuneration 2022  - ( file pdf - 296 kb) 30/03/2023
2023  Tesmec S.p.A.- Directors' report on the draft resolutions submitted to the Shareholders Meeting April 20th, 2023  - ( file pdf - 113 kb) 16/03/2023
2023  Tesmec S.p.A. - 2022 Results Presentation  - ( file pdf - 5 mb) 10/03/2023
2022  esmec S.p.A. - Interim Report September 30, 2022  - ( file pdf - 1 mb) 11/11/2022
2022  Tesmec S.p.A. - Half-year Consolidated Financial Report as at 30 June 2022  - ( file pdf - 1 mb) 12/08/2022
2022  Tesmec S.p.A. - Minutes of Shareholders Meeting April 21, 2022  - ( file pdf - 366 kb) 13/05/2022

Bilanci, Semestrali, Trimestrali, Statuti Tesmec

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