Global Equity Market - Quotes

Name Last %Chng Time Alert Portfolio
Credit Agricole 15.29 +0.72 4:56:34 PM
Crowdstrike Hold 426.90 +1.07 4:34:32 PM
Cvs Health 63.32 +1.10 3:39:36 PM
Daimler Truck Hd 43.16 +2.66 11:04:43 AM
Danaher 194.06 -0.85 2:27:59 PM
Deere & Co 450.00 +0.00 3:38:29 PM
Delivery Hero 29.95 +0.84 12:39:36 PM
Dell Technologies 106.32 +1.70 4:22:34 PM
Dentsply Sirona
Deutsche Bank 19.208 +3.70 5:25:40 PM
Deutsche Boerse
Deutsche Euroshop 18.52 +0.98 9:23:03 AM
Deutsche Lufthansa 6.70 -0.03 5:26:19 PM
Deutsche Post 36.98 +0.27 3:33:33 PM
Deutsche Rohstoff
Deutsche Telekom 33.54 -0.21 5:18:08 PM
Deutsche Wohnen

Global Equity Market - Quotes

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