Global Equity Market - Quotes

Name Last %Chng Time Alert Portfolio
Mcewen Mining
Mercedes-Benz Group 56.88 -1.42 5:24:08 PM
Merck 141.00 -0.95 3:42:33 PM
Merck & Co. 85.40 +0.00 4:17:25 PM
Meta Platforms 691.60 +0.01 5:35:15 PM
Microchip Technology 49.31 -4.62 3:38:48 PM
Micron Technology 89.80 -2.77 5:26:51 PM
Microsoft Corp 398.20 -1.07 5:35:20 PM
Microstrategy 326.00 +2.55 5:35:18 PM
Moderna 31.88 -3.17 5:35:26 PM
Mondelez International
Morgan Stanley 136.72 +0.53 3:07:38 PM
Motorola Solutions
Mtu Aero Engines
Munich Re
Naturgy Energy Group
Nemetschek 121.10 +1.00 3:50:36 PM
Neste 12.78 +9.09 5:38:11 PM
Netflix 983.50 +0.94 5:35:13 PM

Global Equity Market - Quotes

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