Documents filed

Documents filed with Borsa Italiana available in pdf format
2024  Half-year Financial Report at 30.06.2024  - ( file pdf - 2 mb) 05/08/2024
2024  1H 2024 Results Presentation  - ( file pdf - 2 mb) 02/08/2024
2024  Presentation on the exercise of Call Option on Defence Tech shares  - ( file pdf - 2 mb) 21/06/2024
2024  Italian Investment Conference Unicredit-Kepler Presentation  - ( file pdf - 2 mb) 21/05/2024
2024  Interim Report on Operations at 31 March 2024  - ( file pdf - 1 mb) 14/05/2024
2024  1Q 2024 Results Presentation  - ( file pdf - 2 mb) 14/05/2024
2024  Summary Report of the Votes - Shareholders' meeting  - ( file pdf - 181 kb) 23/04/2024
2024  Euronext STAR Conference 2024 Presentation  - ( file pdf - 2 mb) 18/03/2024
2024  Directors' explanatory report - Appointment of the Board of Statutory Auditors  - ( file pdf - 156 kb) 14/03/2024
2024  Directors' explanatory report - Appointment of the Board  - ( file pdf - 152 kb) 14/03/2024
2024  Proxy form 135-undecies  - ( file pdf - 731 kb) 14/03/2024
2024  Proxy form 135-novies  - ( file pdf - 704 kb) 14/03/2024
2024  Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting Notice - Excerpt  - ( file pdf - 167 kb) 14/03/2024
2024  Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting Notice  - ( file pdf - 195 kb) 14/03/2024
2024  2023 Results & 2024-2026 Business Plan Presentation  - ( file pdf - 3 mb) 07/03/2024
2023  Presentation in support of Conf Call Acquisition ABF Group  - ( file pdf - 2 mb) 14/12/2023
2023  Mid & Small 2023 Conference Virgilio IR Presentation 23 November  - ( file pdf - 4 mb) 22/11/2023
2023  Berenberg Pan-European Discovery Conference USA 2023 Presentation  - ( file pdf - 4 mb) 15/11/2023
2023  Interim Report on Operations at 30 September 2023  - ( file pdf - 1 mb) 10/11/2023
2023  9M 2023 Results Presentation  - ( file pdf - 2 mb) 10/11/2023

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