Company Profile

Webuild S.p.A. is a global leader in the design and construction of large, complex projects in the sectors of sustainable mobility (rail, metro, bridges, roads, ports), hydropower (dams, power plants), water (treatment and desalination plants, wastewater management, irrigation dams) and green buildings (civil and industrial buildings, airports, stadiums and hospitals). It supports clients in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established by the United Nations. The recognised leader in infrastructure for the water sector, the group operates in 50 countries, has 87,000 direct and indirect employees from 100 nationalities, and a supply chain of 19,400 businesses. In its 117 years of applied engineering, the Group has built 14,140 kilometres of rail and metro lines, 82,533 km of roads and highways, 1,020 km of bridges and viaducts, 3,408 km of tunnels, and 313 dams and hydropower plants.

Source: Cofisem - Last Update: 2024-09-11

Key Executives
Chief Executive Officer Pietro Salini
Chief Financial Officer Massimo Ferrari
Head of Investor Relations Amarilda Karaj
Chief Operating Officer Claudio Lautizi
Chief Communication Officer Luigi Vianello

Source: Cofisem - Last Update: 2024-09-11

Key Figures
Millenium 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
Net sales 9,994,388 8,163,029 6,420,334 5,311,057 5,129,962
Income from ordinary activities 9,994,388 8,163,029 6,420,334 5,311,057 5,129,962
Operating income 475,072 321,216 -33,715 354,494 256,799
Cost of financial indebtedness net 91,767 73,141 92,497 136,109 73,186
Equity-accounted companies contribution to income -19,157 -112,003 -127,704
Net profit from discontinued activities -10,071 -17,972 232 0 -894
Net income 240,369 124,872 -278,766 80,593 -14,145
Net income (Group share) 235,986 118,235 -304,949 84,996 -22,128
Fiscal year end 2023-12-31 2022-12-31 2021-12-31 2020-12-31 2019-12-31
Length of fiscal year (month) 12 12 12 12 12
Currency & Unit EUR - thousands EUR - thousands EUR - thousands EUR - thousands EUR - thousands

Source: Cofisem - Last Update: 2024-09-11

Shareholder information
Group-owned stock 2.49 %
CDP Equity S.p.A. 16.47 %
Free float 45.5 %
Salini S.p.A. 35.54 %

Source: Cofisem - Last Update: 2024-09-11

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