Cerved Rating Agency - Promoting growth through ESG Ratings

ESG information of companies is becoming more and more relevant for the global capital markets. Cerved Rating Agency’s ESG Ratings offer clear insights into the ESG performances of enterprises, with benefits for companies and investors.

Cerved Rating Agency, 27 Set 2021 - 17:20

Following the evolution of the European legislation and the ever-increasing attention paid by consumers to Sustainability, investors’ demand for financial Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) information has been growing rapidly in the last few years. Now, more than ever, investors need to integrate ESG factors into their investment decisions to mitigate risks and uncover opportunities. Companies, too, are embracing a Sustainability approach as a means of brand building, attracting investment and raising financial returns. In this context, ESG Ratings play a vital role in ensuring the transparency that Investors and other players pursue.

Cerved Rating Agency - the Italian rating agency specialized in the assessment of the creditworthiness of Italian non-financial companies and their debt securities - has developed innovative ESG Solutions such as ESG Ratings, ESG Assessments, Supply Chain Assessments, for financial and non-financial corporates and External Review services for sustainable finance products. Furthermore, Cerved Rating Agency, through its analytical solutions, data, studies and researches, supports analytical activities and helps capital markets understanding the macroeconomic scenarios.

Cerved Rating Agency’s ESG Ratings are issued for those companies that are interested in the measurement and improvement of their sustainability performance and that disclose their ESG initiatives through sustainability reports or non-financial statements in accordance with GRI standards. ESG ratings are released following a rigorous process of analysis of the ability to mitigate the risks associated with the sectors in which rated companies operate.

The benefits of Cerved Rating Agency’s ESG Rating for Companies are clear: a more competitive company, a clear picture of performances and risk, a stronger reputation and therefore more attraction for investors. Indeed, Cerved Rating Agency’s ESG ratings support Companies in the measurement of ESG performance in order to carry out a continuous monitoring and to implement corrective actions. This can lead to better positioning, commercial advantages and reduced regulatory and legal charges, as well as reputational risk. In addition, it enhances the company's social responsibility efforts which could further help it to attract investments and to lower the cost of financing.

Cerved Rating Agency also provides ESG Ratings to support Responsible Investors in the arrangement of Green/ESG deals or instruments and in the verification of their alignment to the Green/Sustainable Guidelines developed by ICMA. Through its services, it also helps Banks and Investors that need to manage their asset portfolio in the measurement of their overall sustainability risk performance.


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