Opening 104.70
Day High 105.22
Day Low 103.90
Year High 110.34 - 25/01/21
Year Low 102.64 - 25/02/03
Market/Segment Global Equity Market
1 Month Performance -3.68%
6 Months Performance -2.12%
1 Year Performance +9.08%
Isin Code US30231G1022
Alphanumeric Code 1XOM
Number Trades: 19   Total Quantity: 537
17:35:22 105.22 +0.71%
16:57:22 104.58 +0.10%
15:36:21 103.96 -0.50%

Exxon Mobil Quotes, Book, Dividends, Documents and Reports, Corporate Governance, Internal Dealing

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