Documents filed

Documents filed with Borsa Italiana available in pdf format
2011  summary votes ordinary and extraordinary shareholders'meeting of april 28, 2011  - ( file pdf - 33 kb) 02/05/2011
2010  By laws  - ( file pdf - 83 kb) 30/08/2010
2010  By laws  - ( file pdf - 84 kb) 04/08/2010
2010  By Laws  - ( file pdf - 81 kb) 30/07/2010
2010  BY LAWS  - ( file pdf - 62 kb) 08/06/2010
2010  By Laws  - ( file pdf - 80 kb) 23/03/2010
2010  By-laws  - ( file pdf - 60 kb) 08/02/2010
2010  By laws  - ( file pdf - 76 kb) 22/01/2010
2009  Report of the Board of Directors on the Group's operations at September 30, 2009  - ( file pdf - 357 kb) 12/11/2009
2009  By laws  - ( file pdf - 69 kb) 31/08/2009
2009  Report on Operations at March 31, 2009  - ( file pdf - 196 kb) 14/05/2009
2008  By - laws  - ( file pdf - 69 kb) 28/11/2008
2008  By - laws  - ( file pdf - 69 kb) 28/08/2008
2008  BY-LAWS  - ( file pdf - 68 kb) 08/08/2008
2008  By laws  - ( file pdf - 69 kb) 25/07/2008
2008  By laws  - ( file pdf - 69 kb) 25/06/2008
2008  Opinion Provided by the Board of Statutory Auditors at the Extraordinary Shareholders meeting of March 13-14, 2008  - ( file pdf - 8 kb) 28/02/2008
2008  Extraordinary Meeting 13-14 march 2008  - ( file pdf - 87 kb) 27/02/2008
2007  BY - Laws  - ( file pdf - 72 kb) 16/11/2007
2007  Quarterly Report at September 30, 2007  - ( file pdf - 117 kb) 12/11/2007

Bilanci, Semestrali, Trimestrali, Statuti Kme Group

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