Documents filed

Documents filed with Borsa Italiana available in pdf format
2024  Financial Statements 2023  - ( file pdf - 1 mb) 19/04/2024
2023  Neurosoft FS H1.2023  - ( file pdf - 905 kb) 20/09/2023
2023  FS 2022 Neurosoft  - ( file pdf - 1 mb) 11/04/2023
2023  Neurosoft Reporting Dates 2023  - ( file pdf - 175 kb) 23/01/2023
2022  Neurosoft FS 30.06.2022  - ( file pdf - 917 kb) 27/09/2022
2022  FS 2021  - ( file pdf - 1 mb) 18/04/2022
2022  latest version of the procedure for transactions with related parties  - ( file pdf - 596 kb) 18/03/2022
2022  latest approved half-yearly report  - ( file pdf - 1 mb) 18/03/2022
2022  latest version of the updated statute  - ( file pdf - 213 kb) 18/03/2022
2014  Annual Financial Report for the year ended December 31, 2013  - ( file pdf - 1 mb) 02/04/2014
2013  2013 1st Semester Report  - ( file pdf - 562 kb) 26/09/2013

Bilanci, Semestrali, Trimestrali, Statuti Neurosoft

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