Documents filed

Documents filed with Borsa Italiana available in pdf format
2024  Poste Italiane - Interim Financial Report at 30 June 2024  - ( file pdf - 6 mb) 07/08/2024
2024  Poste Italiane - analyst presentation - Q2&H1-24 Financial Results  - ( file pdf - 1 mb) 30/07/2024
2024  Poste Italiane - Interim Report at 31 March 2024  - ( file pdf - 3 mb) 15/05/2024
2024  Analyst presentation - Poste Italiane Q1-24 Financial Results  - ( file pdf - 1 mb) 15/05/2024
2024  Poste Italiane - 2024 Shareholders' Meeting - Remuneration Highlights (english)  - ( file pdf - 5 mb) 29/04/2024
2024  Poste Italiane - Shareholders' Meeting - Report on the 2024 remuneration policy and on the amounts paid in 2023  - ( file pdf - 4 mb) 29/04/2024
2024  Poste Italiane - 2024 Shareholders' Meeting - illustrative reports and resolution proposals on the items of the agenda  - ( file pdf - 1 mb) 29/04/2024
2024  Poste Italiane - 2024 Shareholders' Meeting - notice of call  - ( file pdf - 336 kb) 29/04/2024
2024  Poste Italiane - Report on corporate governance 2023  - ( file pdf - 1 mb) 24/04/2024
2024  Poste Italiane - Annual Finacial Report 2023  - ( file pdf - 31 mb) 24/04/2024
2024  Poste Italiane - Annual Financial Report 2023 (ESEF)   24/04/2024
2024  Poste Italiane - Capital Markets Day - 2024-2028 Strategic Plan  - ( file pdf - 4 mb) 20/03/2024
2024  Poste Italiane - analyst presentation - Q4&FY23 Preliminary financial results  - ( file pdf - 2 mb) 29/02/2024
2023  Poste Italiane - Interim Report at 30 September 2023  - ( file pdf - 3 mb) 10/11/2023
2023  Poste Italiane - analyst presentation Q3&9M2023 financial results  - ( file pdf - 1 mb) 07/11/2023
2023  Poste Italiane - Interim Report at 30 June 2023  - ( file pdf - 6 mb) 04/08/2023
2023  Poste Italiane - analyst presentation - Q2&H12023 Results  - ( file pdf - 1 mb) 25/07/2023
2023  Poste Italiane - interim report at 31 March 2023  - ( file pdf - 3 mb) 12/05/2023
2023  Poste Italiane - 1Q2023 financial results - analyst presentation  - ( file pdf - 1 mb) 04/05/2023
2023  Poste Italiane - Report on corporate governance 2022  - ( file pdf - 1 mb) 17/04/2023

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