
Number Trades: 1,447   Total Quantity: 878,869
Time Last Trade Price Var % Last Volume Type
5:35:29 PM 10.09 +0.60 264 CT
5:35:29 PM 10.09 +0.60 1,416 CT
5:35:29 PM 10.09 +0.60 336 CT
5:35:29 PM 10.09 +0.60 336 CT
5:35:29 PM 10.09 +0.60 336 CT
5:35:29 PM 10.09 +0.60 127 CT
5:35:29 PM 10.09 +0.60 209 CT
5:35:29 PM 10.09 +0.60 4,376 CT
5:35:29 PM 10.09 +0.60 998 CT
5:35:29 PM 10.09 +0.60 195 CT
5:35:29 PM 10.09 +0.60 144 CT
5:35:29 PM 10.09 +0.60 2,170 CT
5:35:29 PM 10.09 +0.60 2,672 CT
5:35:29 PM 10.09 +0.60 367 CT
5:35:29 PM 10.09 +0.60 551 CT
5:35:29 PM 10.09 +0.60 313 CT
5:35:29 PM 10.09 +0.60 1,015 CT
5:35:29 PM 10.09 +0.60 4,105 CT
5:35:29 PM 10.09 +0.60 1,281 CT
5:35:29 PM 10.09 +0.60 1,582 CT

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