A new debut on MTA: Openjobmetis floats on the STAR segment

Dec 03 2015 - 

-        The company raised €33 million at IPO

-        71th company on the Star segment

Today the job agency Openjobmetis S.p.A. debuts on the STAR segment of MTA, the main market of Borsa Italiana.

The company was founded with a merger operation between Openjob S.p.A. and Metis S.p.A., and is leader in the job searching sector in Italy.

Openjobmetis raised €33 million at IPO, for a market capitalisation of about €302 million.
Equita SIM S.p.A. acted as sponsor of the operation, Global Coordinator and single bookrunner.

Barbara Lunghi, Head of the market of SMEs at Borsa Italiana, commented:

“We are happy to welcome Openjobmetis, the 70°company on the STAR segment of Borsa Italiana. 2015 has been a very positive year for the STAR segment, which has welcomed 5 newlisted companies and continues to raise great interest in international investors. We are sure that Openjobmetis will take advantage of the floatation, in terms of growth and exposure”.

The STAR segment of MTA Market of Borsa Italiana is dedicated to medium-sized companies with a market capitalisation from €40 million to €1 billion and committed to meet requirements of excellency in terms of transparency, Corporate Governance and high liquidity.
Today the STAR segment counts 71 companies.


For further information, please contact:
Media Relations
Oriana Pagano
Sofia Crosta
+39 0272426 360

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