Borsa Italiana’s 2007 Roadshow starts in March from Milan
On March 1st and 2nd at Palazzo Mezzanotte, headquarter of Borsa Italiana, the Star Conference 2007.
Borsa Italiana’s roadshow 2007, which also this year will bring together the companies listed in Milan and the national and international financial community, will start on March 1st and 2nd from Milan.
All the events are supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and could rely on the Italian diplomatic delegations abroad.
On March 1st and 2nd at Palazzo Mezzanotte, headquarter of Borsa Italiana, will be held the Star Conference 2007 which, at its sixth edition, will offer the opportunity to highlight the results achieved and the future perspectives of the Italian high standards SMEs.
The roadshow will continue in New York on April 16th and 17th with the Italian Investor Conference New York, the traditional event dedicated to Borsa Italiana’s Blue Chips, which this year will prolong the meetings with the US investors to Boston on April 18th. The event, at its sixth edition, will be realized in partnership with Banca IMI, Intermonte, Mediobanca and Merrill Lynch.
Borsa Italiana’s Blue Chips will also be at the centre of debate with the investors on May 24th and 25th in Paris at the Italian Large and Mid Caps Conference organized with Exane BNP Paribas.
On May 30th and 31st, New York will be again the location of the meetings with the financial community on occasion of the STAR Conference New York, dedicated to the companies of STAR segment.
Afterwards, Borsa Italiana’s roadshow will continue in London where, in partnership with Morgan Stanley and Intermonte, on June 20th 2007 will take place the Italian Investor Conference London dedicated to the Blue Chips.
Again in London from June 19th to 21st for the “Derivatives and Securities World - London”, the traditional meeting of the international exchange industry on derivative financial instruments, which will include a presentation of IDEM, the Derivatives Market of Borsa Italiana.
After the summer, from October 1st to 5th, Monte Titoli, the Italian central securities depository of Borsa Italiana Group, will attend SIBOS, the most important worldwide exhibition on post trading which this year will be held in Boston, US.
In the same days, from October 3rd to 4th, in London will be held the STAR Conference which brings together the most important European investors and brokers and this year arrived at its seventh edition.
The Blue Chips will be in Tokyo on October 16th and 17th for the traditional meeting with the Far East investors on occasion of the Italian Investor Conference organized with Nomura. In the following days, some companies of STAR segment will meet with the Japanese financial community.
Few days after, on October 23rd and 24th, the Blue Chips will be again at the heart of debate with the investors in Amsterdam for the Dutch Italian Investor Conference organized with ABN Amro.
The STAR Conference in Paris of October 28th and 29th will conclude the international 2007 roadshow of Borsa Italiana.
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