FTSE MIB Dividend Futures - Quotes

 Expiry Dates

Name Last % Change Time First Prev. Settlement
June 2025 886.00
December 2025 1,900 +0.32 6 10:21:03 AM 1,900.00 1,894.00
June 2026 886.00
December 2026 1,895.00
December 2027 1,890.00
December 2028 1,850.00
December 2029 1,804.00

 Other Index Products

Name Total Daily Volume Prev. Total Open Interest
FTSE MIB Futures 10,840 98,502
MicroFutures FTSE MIB 1,243 2,285
MiniFutures FTSE MIB 5,518 9,245
FTSE MIB Dividend Futures 10 10,267
FTSE Italia PIR PMI Index Futures 0 370

FTSE MIB Dividend Futures - Quotes

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