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Listing Guides

The Listing Guides are useful tools for issuers, financial institutions, auditors and any other advisor or party involved in the listing process.


Strategic plan guide

The Strategic Plan Guide defines the contents and the features that a strategic plan should have in order to be worth of supporting and give value to the company in the listing process.

In order to provide issuers with increased flexibility during the procedure for admission to listing and with a view to streamlining documentation, Borsa Italiana has introduced the possibility for companies subject to listing to draw up the analysis which supports their strategic plan without using QMAT. Have a look at the "Drawing up the strategic plan" manual


Management Control System Guide

The Management Control System Guide has the goal of guiding the company towards the chosen strategic objectives and, in particular, to accomplish functional choices to create value. This guide gives precise indications on how to structure the Management Control System of a company willing to list and to give a contribution in order to improve the market’s practices.

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