Euronext Issuance via Euronext Securities. A study in ESG and Fixed Income

Mercoledì 1 dicembre a partire dalle ore 12, Euronext Securities presenterà “Eurobond Issuance via Euronext Securities". L'evento mira a fornire una panoramica sul rapporto tra post-trading, just transition e green economy.

26 Nov 2021 - 11:35


How can we, as market participants in the post-trade industry, do our part to fund the transition to a blue and green economy?
As early as 2018, the EU’s Technical Expert Group (TEG) highlighted that the financial sector would need to play a significant role in facilitating this transition.

More than any other industry, we have the capacity to influence the reallocation of private capital towards more sustainable investments. One of the most effective instruments at our disposal is the green bond, which the United Nations has called “one of the most significant developments in the financing of low-carbon, climate-resilient investment opportunities.”

Joining Euronext Securities Webinar are:
• Maurizio Pastore, Head of Debt Listing at Euronext
• Federica Calvetti, Head of ESG & Strategic Activism at Eurizon Capital SGR
• Alessandro Gargiuli, Head of Group Treasury, Funding & Corporate Finance at Cassa Depositi e Prestiti

Pierluigi Dimonopoli, Head of Business Development Issuers, Euronext Securities Milan

Alessandra Franzosi, Head of Asset Owners & ESG Investing at Borsa Italiana

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