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Legenda - ETC and ETN

Ask price: best ask price in the trading book at the moment.

Ask volume: trading volume relative to the bid price.

Benchmark: index on which an ETF refers to.

Benchmark note: brief description of the index, that  is subdivided in the following categories: ETF Equity Italy,  Equity World, Equity North America, Equity Pacific, Equity Europe – Regional, Equity Europe - Single Countries, Equity Sectors, Equity Emerging – World, Equity Emerging - Center/South America, Equity Emerging - Africa/Middle East, Equity Emerging - Eastern Europe, Equity Emerging – Asia, Equity Style, Equity Thematic, Equity Real Estate, Commodities, Corporate, Government Bond – Euro Bond, Government Bond - Ex Euro, Government Bond – World, Government Bond - Emerging Markets, Aggregate Bond, Liquidity, Credit Indices, Inflation Structured ETF Equity Short - Developed Countries, Equity Short – Emerging, Buywrite - Covered Call, Leveraged Long, Leveraged Short, Semi-Active, Protective Put, Bond Short, Bond Leveraged Short.

Bid price: best bid price in the trading book at the moment.

Bid Volume: trading volume relative to bid price.

Chng %: percentage variation computed as the difference between the Price of the last contract and the Reference close price of yesterday.

Date - Time Last Trade: date and time of the last contract traded.

Day High/Low: maximum and minimum price registered in a single trading session.

Exchange code: alphanumeric code with maximum 6 characters that uniquely identify a financial instrument listed in the Italian Stock Exchange.

ISIN Code: international code that uniquely identifies securities; the code structure and rules for its allocation are established by ISO (International Organization for Standardization) in the standard ISO 6166.

Issuer: refers to a mutual investment fund or Sicav that manages the ETF.

Last volume: trading volume relative to the last price.

Lot size: minimum negotiable quantity ; in the ETFplus market is always equal to 1 share/unit.

Market Status: market phase of the security during the trading session.

Net Chng: absolute variation computed as the difference between the Price of the last contract and the Reference close price of yesterday

Number trades: number of contracts set during a single session in Continuous Trading Market Status

Official Close date:
date of the close price

Offical price: weighted average price of the total quantity of that instrument traded in the market during the session.

Reference Close: price determined on the basis of a significant number of best bids and offers on the book during the session, giving greater weight to the most recent.

Subscription, Redemption, Performance Fees: fees due to respectively investment or disinvestment in the instrument and to the reward of manager’s performances.

Total Annual Fees: percentage that includes all the annual explicit fees (e.g. management fees, commissions of the custodian etc.);This cost is borne in proportion to the period of detention of the instrument; the relevant price discounts already the Total Annual Fees.

Total volume: total trading volume during the relevant trading session in Continuous Trading Market Status.

total value of the instruments traded during the trading session, calculated as the product of price of the contracts and the relative quantities.

Type of Underlying: the underlying index refers to the following categories:  ETC Index Commodities, Cattle, Energy, Industrial Metals, Precious Metals, Agricultural Products, Etc Leveraged, Etc Short.

Underlying: asset or index on which the ETC refers.

Year low date: date of the lowest price trade from the beginning of the year.

Year high date: date of the maximum price trade from the beginning of the year.

Year high/Low: maximum and minimum price registered from the beginning of the year. 

Data update

Last and Chng%: data in real time.

Intraday and Book: 15 minutes delayed data.

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