Comunicazioni Tecniche

Borsa Italiana Phase 3 Migration to Optiq - 23 March - Go-Live Weekend

9:00 CET - Optiq Cash and Derivatives are now up and running

9:30 CET - Optiq Cash and Derivatives are now up and running. It will be possible test login to BCS from 10:00 to 13:30 CET.

10:00 CET - Standing Data Broadcast over MDG

10:15 CET - Cash and Derivatives instruments will go to Call phase at 10:30 CET

10:30 CET - Uncrossing and Continuous phase to start as from 11:00 CET

13:00 CET - Closing Call phase Cash markets

13:05 CET - Closing Uncrossing Cash markets

13:10 CET - Closing of the trading session Cash markets

13:15 CET - Closing of the trading session Derivatives markets


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