All Instruments

Your search returned 6 results for: Category -  Foreign Shares, Underlying - Ford Motors, Segment - Investment Certificates
Isin Underlying Issuer Kind Strike Expiry Date Ref  
DE000HC6MQS8 Ford Motors Unicredit Bank G ... Bull 11.718 06/20/2025 100.91
IT0005451478 Ford Motors Intesa Sanpaolo ... Bull 13.978 07/01/2025 78.60
IT0005544728 Ford Motors Intesa Sanpaolo ... Bull 11.619 05/05/2025 98.19
IT0005544736 Ford Motors Intesa Sanpaolo ... Bull 11.619 05/05/2025 100.80
IT0005561839 Ford Motors Intesa Sanpaolo ... Bull 12.457 09/15/2025 98.14
IT0005561847 Ford Motors Intesa Sanpaolo ... Bull 12.457 09/15/2025 90.65

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