
InterstitialA full page, created in Flash, contaning the Sponsor's ad, Reuters' logo, a button to immediately close the message and link to the Client's site.

The Interstitial can last 4 to 10 seconds, after which (or if the user clicks on the message) Reuter's home page appears, containing both the Sponsor's Leaderboard and MPU.

This effective tool, characterized by great click-through rates, is especially suited to launch new products and services.

The ad is sold by impression, and it is always associated to a frequency capping of 1 impression per user, on a daily basis.



For advertising enquiries:

Vittorio Artom Celli

Web Advertising Manager

Mobile +39 334 6420631

Marina De Cagna

Web Advertising Specialist

Mobile +39 335 1866817

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By allowing this link the Exchange does not intend in any country, directly or indirectly, to solicit business or offer any securities to any person.

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