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Accordo con 5 Borse per lo sviluppo del circuito.

EURO.NM, l'alleanza europea tra i cinque mercati per le imprese ad alto tasso di crescita, ha annunciato oggi a Parigi l'accordo con cinque Borse che intendono svolgere un ruolo attivo nello sviluppo del circuito.

Le cinque Borse sono: OM Stockholm Exchange, SWX Swiss Exchange, Copenhagen Stock Exchange, Oslo Stock Exchange e Helsinki Exchange.

L'incontro di Parigi è il risultato di una serie di incontri con i 5 membri del circuito EURO.NM - Amsterdam, Bruxelles, Francoforte, Milano e Parigi - mirati a rafforzare le iniziative dedicate alle imprese innovative ad alto tasso di crescita.

La Borsa di Londra, inoltre, continuerà a seguire i lavori di EURO.NM in qualità di osservatore.

I membri di EURO.NM hanno inoltre deciso la costituzione di una società di diritto belga del cui Board faranno parte i membri dell'Executive Committee di EURO.NM.

Per l'Italia Massimo Capuano, Amministratore Delegato di Borsa Italiana.

La costituzione della società configura la volontà dei membri EURO.NM ad una partecipazione più stabile e un maggiore impegno per lo sviluppo del circuito.

EURO.NM conta oggi su 250 società quotate con una capitalizzazione complessiva di 59 miliardi di Euro.

Il Nuovo Mercato, il membro italiano dell'alleanza, ha avviato le negoziazioni lo scorso 17 giugno con la quotazione della prima matricola, Opengate.

Milano e Parigi, 30 giugno 1999

Towards the enlargement and reinforcement of the EURO.NM Alliance

During the last six months representatives of the five stock exchanges members of EURO.NM have met with representatives of OM Stokholm Exchange, SWX Swiss Exchange, the Copenhagen Stock Exchange, the Oslo Stock Exchange, Helsinki Exchange in order to examine the possibility of enlarging and reinforcing their initiatives dedicated to innovative, newly created companies.

As a result, a meeting was held in Paris on Wednesday, June 30th 1999.

Considering the significant achievements of the EURO.NM concept, the participants have agreed on the idea of expanding the EURO.NM alliance to other European stock exchanges, that have created or are planning to create a New Market similar to the existing ones.

OM Stockholm Exchange, SWX Swiss Exchange, the Copenhagen Stock Exchange, the Oslo Stock Exchange and Helsinki Exchange have agreed to take an active part in the development of EURO.NM.

The London Stock Exchange will continue to follow the work of EURO.NM as an observer.

At the same time, the five current EURO.NM members - AEX Amsterdam Exchanges, BXS Brussels Exchanges, Deutsche Börse, ParisBourse, Borsa Italiana - have agreed on a set of measures to reinforce the EURO.NM alliance.

First, they have decided to create a new and reinforced corporate structure, which will take the legal form of a Economic Interest Grouping under Belgian law in order to welcome non-EFTA members in the alliance.

Second, the markets members are to go further in the harmonization of their New Markets by adopting a third Harmonization Agreement, which, in particular, will make it compulsory for the listed companies to publish more detailed quarterly reports.

Third, the members of EURO.NM have agreed to create a statute of EURO.NM Partners, which would apply to the companies associated to the New Market's activity and enable them to benefit from specific services and marketing efforts from EURO.NM.

The participants intend to continue their efforts to further increase the visibility of EURO.NM in Europe and in the US.

EURO.NM is a pan-European network of stock markets for high growth companies. It gained its 250th listing at the end of June 1999 and reached a total market capitalisation of € 59 billion with a total capital raised exceeding € 8 billion. To date, the EURO.NM All-share index has gained 17.3% this year, after a strong increase of 134% in 1998.


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